I didn't quite account for how much vegan reuben action I would find. Seriously, this place rivals Portland for restaurants with vegan options. Tempeh in particular reigns supreme -- it seemed like every restaurant or pub had some kind of tempeh (or sometimes less frequently, tofu) sandwich. This, in the land of pulled pork bbq, where just a few miles out of town, the waitstaff at a side of the road restaurant can't comprehend the concept of someone not eating both meat and dairy.
I had my sights set on the Laughing Seed Cafe from the get-go, as it seems to be the place in town to go for good vegetarian eats. But we got sidetracked by Rosetta's Kitchen. And I really could spend two weeks there solely writing reviews for this blog. For example, I walked by this restaurant on Broadway.

Who would have guessed, but they advertised a Smoked Tempeh Reuben. Then, at Jack of the Woods, the Irish pub below The Laughing Seed, B. pointed out that they, too, served a tempeh reuben. Then, upon returning to Chapel Hill, a friend who had lived in Asheville admitted that her favorite tempeh reuben in town was served at the Dripelator, a cafe that we had actually had coffee at our first morning in town, and hadn't even thought to look at the menu. I don't know what's going on here, but this place has tempeh fever. You'd almost think you were in Eugene, not the American South.
I have to catch up with school work, but expect a couple Asheville Vegan Reuben reviews in the near future.
1 comment:
Asheville here:
Our local hip paper just linked to your blog mentioning our great restaurants.
Yeah - Asheville is a great town. It is never meant to be the size of a city, our region can't sustain that sort of development. While it will never match PDX in size, it does rival it socially in most ways. Someday I hope to see cities & communities like Portland, Eugene, Sidonia, Madison, Boulder, Asheville, Ithaca, and others linking together. Modern technology allows us to connect so easily - now for example - and this is a rising era of exponential national and global change. Communities that are aware and sustainable will hopefully lead progress, but we will have to stay connected with the creative aware sustainable souls all over.
Anyway - glad you liked our town and our reubens. PDX is a great city, I hope to return there again someday.
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